Adult Tooth Coming in Behind Baby Tooth: Causes, Concerns, and Solutions

Losing baby teeth and having adult teeth replace them is a natural part of growing up. However, sometimes the process doesn’t go as smoothly as expected. One common issue that parents and individuals encounter is when an adult tooth starts coming in behind a baby tooth.

This situation can raise concerns and questions about what’s happening and what to do. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the causes of an adult tooth coming in behind a baby tooth, potential concerns, solutions, and answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide a clear understanding of this dental phenomenon. Vienna pediatric dentistry can help you in all dental problems.


The transition from baby teeth (primary teeth) to adult teeth (permanent teeth) is a significant milestone in a person’s dental development. It typically occurs between the ages of 6 and 7, as baby teeth naturally become loose and fall out, making way for permanent teeth to emerge. However, in some cases, adult teeth may start coming in behind baby teeth, leading to concerns and questions about what’s happening.

Why Does an Adult Tooth Come in Behind a Baby Tooth?

Several factors can contribute to the phenomenon of an adult tooth erupting behind a baby tooth:

  • Timing Variations: Sometimes, the eruption of adult teeth doesn’t align perfectly with the shedding of baby teeth. This can result in temporary overlap.
  • Space Issues: Insufficient space in the dental arch can lead to adult teeth seeking alternative paths for eruption.
  • Genetics: Family history and genetics can play a role in the alignment and positioning of teeth.
  • Dental Crowding: Pre-existing dental crowding can increase the likelihood of adult teeth coming in behind baby teeth.

Potential Concerns and Complications

While the overlap of adult and baby teeth is relatively common and may resolve on its own, there can be concerns and complications associated with this issue:

  • Misalignment: Overlapping teeth can lead to misalignment issues, affecting the bite and overall dental function.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: The appearance of overlapping teeth may cause self-esteem and confidence issues.
  • Oral Hygiene Challenges: Cleaning overlapping teeth can be more challenging, potentially leading to dental problems like cavities and gum disease.

Solutions and Treatment Options

Addressing the issue of an adult tooth coming in behind a baby tooth often requires intervention from a dentist or orthodontist. The appropriate treatment depends on the severity of the problem and the individual’s age. Common solutions include:

  • Orthodontic Intervention: Orthodontic treatments like braces or Invisalign can help align teeth properly.
  • Extraction: In some cases, a dentist may recommend extracting the baby tooth to allow the adult tooth to move into its correct position.
  • Space Maintenance: If baby teeth are lost prematurely, space maintainers can be used to ensure adequate space for adult teeth.

It’s essential to consult a dental professional to assess the specific situation and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.


Is it normal for adult teeth to come in behind baby teeth?

While it’s not uncommon for adult teeth to initially emerge behind baby teeth, it’s generally not the desired or optimal outcome. Consult a dentist for a proper evaluation.

Will the adult tooth eventually push out the baby tooth?

In some cases, the pressure from the erupting adult tooth may cause the baby tooth to become loose and fall out naturally. However, this doesn’t always happen, and intervention may be necessary.

Can I wait for my child to lose the baby tooth naturally?

Waiting for a baby tooth to naturally fall out may be an option if the overlap is minor and not causing significant issues. However, it’s advisable to consult a dentist for guidance.

What can I do to prevent dental crowding and overlapping teeth in my child?

Early orthodontic evaluations and regular dental check-ups are essential for identifying and addressing potential issues before they become more severe.


In conclusion, an adult tooth coming in behind a baby tooth is a dental issue that can occur for various reasons. While it’s not uncommon, it’s essential to address it promptly to avoid potential complications such as misalignment and oral hygiene challenges. Seeking guidance from a dental professional is crucial, as they can recommend suitable treatment options based on the individual’s age and the severity of the issue.

Maintaining regular dental check-ups for children and being proactive in addressing dental concerns can help ensure proper dental development and a healthy, aligned smile. Early intervention can prevent more significant dental problems down the road, ultimately contributing to better oral health and overall well-being.

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Joey Riggs: