TikTok Hashtags: How to Use Them to Grow Your Reach?

Are you struggling to increase your reach on TikTok? Have you already been through the famous free TikTok likes trial offered by a growth service but want more views? If yes, it’s time to try your luck with TikTok hashtags!

Hashtags are a combination of words that describe your content. The hashtag begins with the symbol # and has no space between the words, like this: #bestskincareroutine.

The purpose of hashtags is simple – to categorize the content for better searchability. A person, who wants to know about the best skincare routines, can click on the hashtag to find related content.

But, for creators, hashtags are an incredible tool to improve their content reach and get more followers. You just need to know the right way to use them.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to use TikTok hashtags for your reach!

Research Your Hashtags

Many people randomly add hashtags. They don’t plan the use of their hashtags, which is why the results aren’t satisfactory. So, the very first thing you need to do is research.

Click on the TikTok search bar and type a bunch of words that describe your niche. For each word, add the # symbol to create a hashtag. The search engine will now suggest trending hashtags instead of topics.

Make a list of the relevant ones, and individually check the following of each hashtag. Ideally, you will want your list to contain a mix of high-followers and low-followers hashtags. Use these hashtags in your future posts.

Use a Combination of General and Niche-Specific Hashtags

This might sound similar to the previous point, but here, we are talking about the topic. You’ll be using a combo of general and niche-specific hashtags. The ratio should be 1:2. 

For example, if you are a mental health influencer, you will use two niche-specific hashtags (like, #relationships and #attachmentcycletheory) for each general hashtag (like, #foryoupage or #tiktok). 

This will push your content towards people who are already interested in the content, as well as people who might want to explore the content.

Make the Best Out of Each Post

TikTok isn’t generous like Instagram. While Instagram gives you a limit of 2,200 characters, TikTok only offers 100 characters. You don’t have an additional limit of 30 hashtags, either. 

This means you have to write your caption and hashtags within a 100-character limit! 

So, if you want to maximize the use of hashtags for reach, keep your captions very short and precise. Focus more on using as many hashtags as possible. Also, try to use short-form hashtags to increase the count.

Try to Create Trending Hashtags

TikTok has a young audience, with the majority belonging to Gen Z and Alpha. Millennials are also present on the platform, but their quantity is way less. It’s why the vibes are chaotic and unstable. 

People love creating new challenges and trends for entertainment. As soon as one trend becomes famous, there comes another one to capture everyone’s attention. And how do people discover these trends? Hashtags! 

So, if you really want to ace the game, come up with a unique and fun trend. It can be related to your brand or any general topic. Your goal is to be entertaining and go viral. This will bring in great exposure and reach for your account.

Keep an Eye on the Trending Hashtags

If you are unable to create your own trending hashtags, don’t worry because several other users are already doing it. All you have to do is create your version of the trend!

For example, the Wes Anderson trend has been gaining millions of views. You have to make a TikTok with contrasting colors and popular songs to recreate the iconic filming style of Wes Anderson. 

The overlay text on the video should read – turning (event) into a Wes Anderson-style film. Just don’t forget to use the hashtag Wes Anderson in the caption.

Assess the Performance & Revise

The biggest mistake that TikTokers do is not monitoring their hashtag performance. Just because you’re using hashtags doesn’t mean you will miraculously become an overnight success. 

Most of your initial hashtag strategies will fail to deliver the desired results. It’s because every hashtag is different, and it takes time to figure out which hashtags work well for your TikTok account. 

So, to create the best hashtag strategy, you need to pay attention to the metrics and learn from your mistakes. Try a new set of hashtags each week and monitor which sets have increased your reach. 

Now, there are different ways to measure reach on TikTok. This includes; the number of comments, likes, and shares. You will find these in the analytics tool. With a TikTok Business account, you can also connect to a social media management tool to get detailed reports.

Categories: News
Joey Riggs: